Methods of teaching
The kindergarten runs programmes for children up to the age of six. The Early Years programme is implemented first, next -Jolly Phonics, and finally – Polish pre-school programme and Key Stage 1.
The Early Years programme is aimed at children up to the age of 5 and follows the English Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS): the National Curriculum in England.
The main areas of children’s development at this stage are:
- an introducing them to learning to read and write through repeated storytelling,
- role playing,
- sequencing and fine motility skills exercises,
- simple mathematical tasks,
- singing,
- dancing.
Children’s progress is regularly reviewed and at the end of the last year of kindergarten children are assessed against the EYFS The Early Learning Objectives.
From the age of 4, we introduce the English reading and writing programme – Jolly Phonics. 6-year-old children follow the Polish pre-school programme and the Key Stage 1, Year 1 programme. Children from the age of 2,5 to 6 can be enrolled in to Kensington International Kindergarten.

What do we offer?
The language of everyday communication is English. Each group has two teachers, including one English-speaking teacher. We pursue bilingualism.
- 5 ecological meals (proven catering)
- All children’s materials (except Jolly Phonics books and pre-school books)
- Activities (art, music, physical, weekly workshops, karate, dance)
- Psychological and speech therapy care
- Taking care of the proper development of children.
- Care on working days from 7.30 to 18.30 by qualified staff
- Own garden
Additionally, for willing people: acting classes, learning Spanish and Mandarin, individual consultations with a speech therapist and psychologist, trips and other attractions.
In our kindergarten, we provide Native Speakers (from all over the world) for min. 8 hours per day, we implement British customs, e.g. the famous Tea Time, spending a lot of time outside (as in English institutions) and celebrate both Polish and British holidays.
Why us?
We are probably the only institution in Warsaw that cooperates with a network of professional British kindergartens and nurseries every day and is based on their knowledge and experience (constant on-line contact of children from London and Warsaw, common application for managing the institution -Famly, common values and assumptions, English curricula, building and design straight from the capital of England and others).
The headmistress of Kensington International Kindergarten has spent over 12 years in Great Britain working in Kindergartens. Working with children and managing this type of place is what she feels best at.
If you want your child to learn not only the English language itself, but also to get to know the customs and the country from which this language originates, YOU’RE IN THE RIGHT PLACE !

Please contact us to obtain more information about our offer.
We do not have strict deadlines for registration. You can enroll your child all year round. We make sure that the child’s adaptation takes place in a friendly atmosphere.
Kensington International Kindergarten is open from 7.30 a.m. to 6.30 p.m. for the whole year excluding 2-week summer break.
If you have any questions, please contact us by phone.
Kensington International Kindergarten is an English-style adventure and learning experience
The recruitment is in progress – WELCOME !